
Hi Students,

Im Dr. Nikhil Nasta, an Ophthalmologist from Mumbai. I was an Asst. Professor at a medical college for seven years before I started my practice. For those of you looking to enter Opthalmology as a career, let me share my jou...

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As someone that has been exposed to the methods of education both in India and in England, I am glad to share my perspective on how these systems compare.

In India – where I did my ICSE – there is an emphasis on retention and...

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About Us

Lesli stands for Learning to Excel in School and Life – and has been conceived of as an organization – that will address many of these challenging issues related to choice of academic pathways and future career options. Lesli has been founded by someone – who not only excelled academically and professionally – but eventually found his passion of life in enabling education and training of young people.