Gap year - Make it exciting

Hear it from 8 of the most inspiring fictional characters!

Got extremely lower grades than expected? Can’t get into the college you’ve always wanted to go to? Feeling like your life has stopped moving ahead? The Corona Virus Pandemic has indeed made things worse but just like all the brave characters in novels who fight their way through difficult situations, you can be like one of them and consider yourself as the protagonist of an amazing novel! 

Here are 8 different characters you can pretend to be and do what they would do in your situation!The best way to make your life exciting, isn’t it?

1.Katniss Everdeen – The Hunger Games


Just as Katniss Everdeen was coerced into two different arenas for another round of the Hunger Games, bending the standard rules of the game for the first time ever, even you can bend the standard way of education by studying in two different colleges! One of your arenas (colleges) could be near where you live and the other where you have always wanted to go! Spend one year in the first arena (college) and then transfer like Katniss to another arena!

2.Hercule Poirot – Novels by Agatha Christie

Hercule Poirot

Hercule Poirot, the fantastic detective! Don’t you want to be as fantastic as he is? Well, what makes him such a fantastic detective anyway? He indeed has the skills of a clever detective but what makes him unique is his knack for languages! He can interview witnesses and suspects from different countries such as France, Germany and Italy! Just like him, you could also learn a new language before you go to your dream college and be able to stand out! The most popular languages nowadays are French, Spanish and German. Moreover, you will also open up opportunities to apply to colleges in various countries!

3. Hermione Granger – Harry Potter Series

Hermione Hair | Thoughts from the Test Chamber

Hermione was so anxious about her career that she wanted to make sure she explored all the subjects before she finally chose one! She studied so many subjects to discover herself and her true interests. You can do that too! Explore subjects you’ve always wanted to know more about and find your interests! Edx, Coursera and Udemy offer a range of online courses and you can make the most out of them during this time at home. Some courses are free too!

4.Atticus Finch – To Kill A Mockingbird

Books reflect on why 'To Kill a Mockingbird,' Atticus Finch, matter

This character loved everyone equally as he was extremely humble and believed in equality without expecting anything in return. He would surely have been ready for any kind of community service to support a cause. Want to be a good human just like him? Join some clubs or organisations to support a cause you believe in! It is the best way to feel proud of yourself!

5.Éowyn– The Lord of the Rings Series

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 2002 | Medieval | El Señor de los ...

Prove yourself in more than one ways just like Éowyn did! She was not satisfied with the life she was given so why should you? Participate in various Olympiads, give some additional and external exams like the AP exams through College Board, participate in internships and prove yourself to the world outside! 

6.Four (Tobias) – Divergent Series

Tobias "Four" Eaton from Divergent | CharacTour

Four overcame his fears and gained experience through simulations. This year, you could do that too! Think of Online Summer Programs by your dream colleges as simulations and experience the education you have always wanted through them! Next year you might actually be able to go there!

7.Matilda – Matilda

Roald Dahl Wanted His Magical 'Matilda' To Keep Books Alive : NPR

Everyone is inspired by this little character’s determination to read and learn more. Even though everyone around her did not support her, she stood strong for what she believed in. What gives a better opportunity to voice your opinions and learn more about the world than MUNs? You can also build your confidence through all the research you have to do for MUNs, and these events are always fun with friends!

8.The Golden Trio (Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger) – Harry Potter Series

HARRY POTTER :THE GOLDEN TRIO - YouTubeThese three best friends never gave up and battled Lord Voldemort until the very end. You could be brave like them and battle your board exams again! Try giving it another shot and astonish everyone with your true capabilities! 

Finally, there are so many more inspiring fictional characters that you can choose to be. Don’t just sit around and mourn! Be determined and brave like these characters and there will be nothing in world that can stop you from achieving your goals!