From academics to work experience: What all do you need to build a strong profile?

In Part 1 of this blog, we discussed why you need to have a strong profile. Now that you know why Profile Building is important, you may be eager to know how you can build a comprehensive and excellent profile. A comprehensive student profile typically encompasses the following key components:

1. Academic Records

  • Grades/GPA
  • Test scores (SAT, ACT, AP, etc.)
  • Coursework, including advanced classes
  • Academic awards, honours, and achievements


2. Extracurricular Activities

  • School clubs and organizations 
  • Sports and athletic involvement
  • Arts programs (music, theatre, visual arts)
  • Community service and volunteer work


3. Leadership Experience

  • Positions held in clubs, teams, and organizations
  • Organizing events or initiatives
  • Entrepreneurial or business endeavours


4. Work Experience

  • Part-time jobs 
  • Internships
  • Self-employment or freelance work


5. Skills and Talents

  • Technical skills (coding, design, etc.)
  • Creative talents (writing, art, performance)
  • Language proficiency


6. Interests and Passions  

  • Academic interests and intended major
  • Hobbies, travels, and unique pursuits


7. Accomplishments and Recognitions

  • Competition awards and recognitions
  • Published works or presentations 
  • Special certifications or training


That sure is a handful of things to take note of! Yes, a stellar profile paints a multi-dimensional picture using a blend of quantitative and qualitative qualifications/skills and talents. It showcases the student's unique path, skills, impact, and potential.

Let us now look at how one builds such a stellar profile.

Interning is a great way to build your profile. Our own social media intern at Lesli, Karen shares her experience.

“Interning at Lesli has not only allowed me to apply my skills but has also enhanced my own skill set. Earlier, I could only put “content creation” as one of my skills on my resume. But after taking charge of creating and executing content, I have also understood how to formulate “content strategy” that includes making “content plans” and deciding “campaign performance metrics”. It has been a great learning experience for me.”

Want to know how Lesli India helps students with profile building?

Here are some testimonials from parents and students of Lesli India.

“Profile Building is one of the most important steps in the application for studies abroad. Lesli suggested various activities, such as participation in online courses, blog writing, etc. Aadi specifically enjoyed blog writing. 

We have seen a good change in Aadi. He seems confident, able to express himself well, and has become proactive, which has resulted in some outstanding admissions at top universities in Canada. The journey of Profile Building has definitely helped develop Aadi’s personality- thanks to Lesli!”

Mr Sachin Tendulkar, - Parent 

“My experience with Lesli India has been the most rewarding. I started with my Profile-Building course, in which Shalini and Dipti Ma’am have been the most encouraging and have helped me explore new activities such as applying to summer schools, different sports, and trying out MUNs. By the end of one year, I progressed from being a Delegate to Chairing several MUNs. During the last year, I have been able to create bonds of trust with my mentors at Lesli; meeting them twice a month keeps me on my toes to ensure the completion of the activities assigned. Overall, it has been an experience, and I can't wait to see what's upcoming for Year 2.”

Kyna Sapra - Grade 11

Do you want to get started on your Profile-Building journey? Let’s get in touch.